Quality System

In accordance with the transparency commitment required of institutions within the framework of the EHEA, universities must guarantee that their actions ensure achievement of the objectives associated with the education they deliver. To meet this challenge, institutions must have policies and internal quality assurance systems that have formal status and are publicly available.

The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) is a university with extensive and valuable experience promoting quality in all of its areas of activity.

The UPC is committed to pursuing continuous improvement in teaching, research and management based on the following:

  • The establishment of internal quality assurance systems to facilitate recognition of the quality of teaching at the UPC.
  • The design of mechanisms, policies and guidelines to achieve verified, competitive scientific quality.
  • The principles and values stated in the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for UPC Staff and Students.
  • Criteria of effectiveness and efficiency for managing activities carried out by individuals and working groups in relation to teaching and research objectives.

At the UPC, each school has autonomy to define its internal quality assurance system (IQAS) and create a support structure.

The Doctoral School is responsible for all UPC official doctoral programmes. As such, it is the unit responsible for developing, modifying if necessary, and approving the IQAS that applies to all UPC doctoral programmes.

The UPC’s quality management unit (Planning, Assessment and Quality Bureau, GPAQ) provides support to the Doctoral School in the design, implementation and monitoring of institutional, academic and quality-related planning and assessment processes in accordance with guidelines in effect, institutional objectives, and regulations in force with the aim of ensuring continuous improvement in its various areas of activity and accountability to stakeholders.